Time for a little bit of myth busting about dog grooming!
We get so many people that worry when leaving their dog at the groomers. Understandably of course and it can be more worrying for the owner when their dogs a little reluctant to go.
People drop their dogs off with lots of kisses and cuddles saying ‘I’ll just be a minute, I’ll be back before you know it!. We often get anxious pet parents giving us a quick call after they’ve left to make sure their precious pooch has settled.
So this is what happens when you leave your dog at The Dog House;
We take their lead and harness off and let them have a mooch around if they’re happy to. Hopefully your dog has been walked before hand to avoid any accidents on the floor! Whilst they’re sniffing and mooching we mix up the shampoo.
Into the tub they go. We never restrain dogs in the bath, we let them find a comfortable position. It might be towards the back of the bath, or standing at the front and having a nosey out of the window! After a thorough clean we they use a chamois towel to get rid of the excess water before wrapping them in a towel and taking them through to the table (small dogs that is! Big dogs we assist them down the bath steps and on to table).
Once on the table dogs always and shake! It doesn’t matter how long we’ve done this job for we still never quite dodge it and end up getting wet.
After the tub
Once on the table we pop a restraint around their neck if they’re used to the grooming process. If not then the two of us work together, one of us holding the dog and the other drying. We use a high velocity dryer you may hear these referred to as a blaster as it ‘blasts’ a majority of the water from the coat. It’s like a powerful hairdryer. We always start it on the lowest setting and build it up gradually to a level where it’s effective and the dog is happy. A lot of dogs aren’t keen on having their head dried with the high velocity dryer so we’ll either towel dry or use a hand dryer on low.
Following the high velocity dryer we’ll use a stand or hand dryer depending on which the dog is more comfortable with and a slicker brush. This helps to get any lingering moisture out of the coat and if they’re curly coated it helps to stretch the curls out to leave a nice even finish.

Hattie enjoys having her photo taken after a groom
Once your dog is dry we tidy up the pad hair, trim the nails and clip the hygiene area. We’ll then clip and scissor your dog into the desired style to suit yourself and you’re dog.
Once your dog is finished they have a spritz of perfume and a treat on the floor. If you’re running a little late your dog will go into a waiting crate where they can see out of the window. If they don’t like being in a crate and they’re happier on the floor we’ll let them have a mooch around again.
There’s no need to worry
There’s nothing to worry about when your dog comes for a visit to The Dog House. There’s lots of windows and there’s usually people, farm dogs, chickens or horses milling about which means there’s plenty for your dog to look at. You are always more than welcome to stay for the entirety of the groom. Some people stay until their dog is settled and then pop over to the farm shop for coffee and cake.
If you are concerned about anything at all then do please get in contact with us before your groom so we can put your mind at rest.
We’ll never put a dog through the grooming process if they’re too nervous or aggressive and show signs of injuring themselves or us. We offer a sensory programme for dogs who require a little extra work and desensitisation.
Why not take a look at our testimonials too and then contact us to book your groom!